How about this? It creates a couple of custom events (showme and
hideme) that you trigger to set the state, and the click event just
delegates to the right one based on the current state.  I just
triggered a click on CollapseAll to set the initial state; if you
didn't want the coloring to be there you could add some code to remove
it at the bottom.

$(document).ready(function() {
                .bind('showme', function() {
                        $(this).data("hidden", false).parent("li")
                        return false;
                .bind('hideme', function() {
                        $(this).data("hidden", true).parent("li")
                        return false;
                .bind('click', function() {
                        $(this).trigger($(this).data("hidden")? "showme" : 
                        return false;
        $("#ExpandAll").bind('click', function() {
                return false;
       $("#CollapseAll").bind('click', function() {
                return false;

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