I'm not sure i follow you.  Are you saying that I just need to style
the draggable element to a fixed size?

On Oct 14, 3:20 pm, Louis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently worked on a project that used a lot of draggable items
> combined with some sorting functionality.
> There seemed to be major performance issues with FireFox 2 when we
> tried calculating things on the fly, as the items were dragged. The
> main culprit of this kind of problem is widths and heights of the
> elements you are dragging.
> eg if all the items that could be dragged and sorted were different
> heights, that couldn't be a fixed value in CSS. jQuery would have to
> calculate all the heights of the items whilst performing the drag and
> sort, thus resulting in poor performance.
> On Oct 14, 6:59 am, chadmichael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Firefox 2.0, Linux, I'm seeing horrible performance issues on a
> > draggable div.  I thought it might be due to images in the div, but I
> > removed all of that and even a simple div with little content performs
> > poorly.  Interestingly enough the demo on the jqueryUI site works
> > great.  This makes me think it's something else on my page.
> > My question is:  what kinds of things could effect the performance of
> > the draggable?

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