Sorry in advance if this is confusing...

I am new to jQuery (converting myself from Prototype), and as such I
am finding situations where I need to create a new object, which I
would have done with a class in Prototype (as such, doesn't make sense
for it to appear anywhere except the start of a chain, since it will
return a new object). This object will also be used similar to a
superclass for other objects as well. I also want the object to be
chain-able as well.

My first attempt at this was something along these lines:

(function($) {
        function create($opts) {
                // some code to create an object
                return obj;

        $.fn.firstObj = function($opts) {
                // Error any chained calls
                if (this.length) throw SyntaxError();

                return create($.extend({}, arguments.callee, $opts));

                        // Some public methods and default properties
                        prop1: 'val1',
                        prop2, 'val2',
                        method1: function() { dosomething(arguments); }

(function($) {
        function create($opts) {
                // some code to create an object
                return obj;

        $.fn.secondObj = function($opts) {
                // Error any chained calls
                if (this.length) throw SyntaxError();

                return $.fn.firstObj($.extend({}, arguments.callee, $opts));

                        // Some public methods and default properties
                        prop1: 'newval1', //overrides $.fn.firstObj.prop1
                        newprop2, 'val2',
                        newmethod1: function() { dosomethingelse(arguments); }

Problem is, that say I chain either of the returned objects, I lose
the public methods for those objects.


var newObj = $.fn.firstObj({prop1: 'foobar'});
console.log(newObj.method1 + ''); // logs: function()
{dosomething(arguments);} function() { console.log(this.method1 + ''); } ); //
logs undefined now (I've also tried $(this).method1)

What is the proper way of creating a new object in jQuery so that it
can properly be chained afterwards?

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