The javascript has to be in an external file.  Both of these are
similar to what I had done in other attempts.  The odd thing is, in IE
I can see the first element of the data has the 'selected' attribute,
even though the original HTML sent by the server doesn't have it.  The
only thing I can figure is either IE is adding it via the underlying
call from the $.get(), or jQuery itself is adding it.

I did come up with a less than elegant way of handling the problem:
$.get("", params,
        function(data) {
                var id = $(data).attr('id');
                var idSel = '#'+id; // Faster than adding the '#' everywhere it 

                if( $('option', idSel).length > 0 ) { // Is the option tag 
                        $('option:not(:first)', idSel).remove();  // Clear out 
all option
tags but the first.
                        $(data).children().each(function() { // For each child, 
add a new
                                $(idSel).append('<option value="' + 
$(this).val() + '">' + $
(this).text() + '</option>');
                        $(idSel).removeAttr('disabled'); // Enable the field.

I have to call remove() because this code is called on blur, so just
Alt-Tab'bing away from the browser added another set of entries.

On Oct 15, 8:22 am, JohnieKarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't do this with client side, I do it with server side and a
> database, but I think you should try one of the following:
> 1)
> <label for="type" class="dialog first">Select Type</label>
> <select id="type" class="dialog first">
>         <option selected="selected" value="">--- Type ---</option>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>  // javascript here to dynamically load content
> </script>
> </select>
> or
> 2)
> <label for="type" class="dialog first">Select Type</label>
> <select id="type" class="dialog first">
> //No option to start with
> </select>
> javascript:
> Then make your javascript add the first option.  If it is the first in
> the list then it will be selected by default so there is no need to
> add selected="selected"
> Hope this helps,
> Johnie Karr
> On Oct 14, 1:57 pm, TimW66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone?
> > On Oct 13, 6:08 pm, TimW66 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm seeing some odd behavior in IE with my SELECT boxes.  In the
> > > static HTML, I have the following:
> > > <label for="type" class="dialog first">Select Type</label>
> > > <select id="type" class="dialog first">
> > >         <option selected value="">--- Type ---</option>
> > > </select>
> > > In JavaScript, I have the following:
> > > $.get("", params,
> > >         function(data) {
> > >                 if( $('option', idSel).length > 0 ) {
> > >                         var firstOption = $('option', idSel);
> > >                         $(idSel).replaceWith(data);
> > >                         $(idSel).prepend(firstOption);
> > >                         $(idSel).removeAttr('disabled');
> > >                 }
> > >         }
> > > );
> > > The data coming back is actually a snippet of HTML, like this:
> > > <select id="type"><option value="1">In</option><option value="2">Out</
> > > option></select>
> > > Note it does not contain a "selected" attribute.  What I want is to
> > > merge the data with the static HTML so in essence I would have:
> > > <label for="type" class="dialog first">Select Type</label>
> > > <select id="type" class="dialog first">
> > >         <option selected value="">--- Type ---</option>
> > >         <option value="1">In</option>
> > >         <option value="2">Out</option>
> > > </select>
> > > However, in IE, the "selected" attribute always seems to get set on
> > > the "In" instead.
> > > Is this yet another odd thing with IE?  Is there something else I
> > > should be doing to get the desired results?
> > > Thanks in advance.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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