Hi, what I'm trying to do is when a user clicks on submit the form
sends all the form variables + the <tr> id's that tDnD generates using
Also when I tried to serialize the table outside the onDrop function
it generates an error.
I tried many ways to do it but without any success.

Ideas are:
1. serialize the table and serialize the form, then submit both
2. concatenate both serialized variables and send it to the form

1. I've tried to add parameters to formData variable, but I think when
I call var queryString = $('#form1').formSerialize(); and then add the
parameter, the validateForm sends only the form's variables, not the
added one.

My code:

$(document).ready(function() {
        // Initialise the table

                onDragStart:  function(table, row) {$
                onDrop: function(table, row) {//TODO: compare the last state
with the new one}

$('#form1').submit(function() {
                        // !!! Important !!!
                        // always return false to prevent standard browser 
submit and
page navigation
                        return false;
var options = {
                    target:     '#resultDiv',
                    url:        'server.php',
                    beforeSubmit:  validateForm,
                    resetForm:     true,
                    success:    function() {


function validateForm(formData, jqForm, options) {

                jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable =
document.getElementById("#table1"); //Found in the plugin's page but
doesn't work
                var length=
$.tableDnD.serialize('#table1');                                           //
Found in the plugin's page but doesn't work
                var queryString = $('#form1').formSerialize();
                return false;

Thanks to
1. Everyone who wants to help
2. jQuery for making our life easier

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