Hello Mike,

did you get a chance to take a look at the samples?
I updated the samples to show you another problem with the fileupload:

I added form 3:
On beforeSubmit I collect all Formdata and convert them to json and
send them as one field "formData" to the server.
Without a upload this works fine, but when the form has a file
element, it stops working :-(

Perhaps you can take a look at this too...

Thanks for your help,
Stefan Sturm

PS: Here is the code of the upload.php file:
$return = array();
$return[ 'files' ] = $_FILES;
$return[ 'post' ] = $_POST;

echo json_encode( $return );

2008/10/15 Stefan Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> OK, I made a small example:
> http://tests.tripplanner.de
> Two Forms:
> 1.) With the Form PlugIn and Multi
> 2.) With the Form PlugIn ans no Multi
> The first one is not working , the second is.
> Check the Firebug console for the return of the upload script. It
> simply returns $_FILES...
> Greetings,
> Stefan Sturm

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