Hi, I am trying to add a pagination capability to my autocomplete
I am having trouble when I click the pagination link , I call setData , flushCache and then trigger a search event and pass the page, but the setData is not setting the extraParams. help? this is my autocomplete call: $('input [type=text]'). autocomplete( { url:'/ajax/search', cacheLength:30, width:380, formatItem:function(results,index,total) { var zebra=true; results=eval('('+results+')'); if (results.length<=0) { $('#ac_extra_menu').hide(); return '<li> found nothing</li>'; } if (!$('#ac_extra_menu').length)//if we dont find the extra menu for pagination then add it { $('div.ui-autocomplete- results').prepend( '<div id="ac_extra_menu">'+ 'Showing <span id="ac_current_page"></span> of <span id="ac_total_result"></span>'+ '<a href="#" id="ac_paginate_left"><img src="/assets/img/header/arw_kr.png" /></ a>'+ '<a href="#" id="ac_paginate_right"> <img src="/assets/img/header/arw_kn.png" /> </ a>'+ '</div>' ); $('#ac_paginate_left').click( function() { //paginate left } ); $('#ac_paginate_right').click( function() { $('#search_box input[type=text]') .autocomplete('setData', {page:2}). autocomplete('flushCache') .autocomplete('search'); return false; } ); hack_to_style_ac=true; } list_of_elements=''; for (var i=0;i<results.length;i++) { zebra=!zebra; list_of_elements+='<li class="'+ (zebra?'zebra':'')+'"><a onclick="window.location=$(this).attr(\'href \');" href="/map/index/'+results[i]['location_x']+ '/'+results[i] ['location_y']+'"><img src="/assets/img/header/thumb_' + (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+'.png" />' +cut_text(results[i] ['name'])+ ' - of - ' +results[i] ['username']+'</a></li>'; } $('#ac_total_result').text(results.length); return list_of_elements; } } );