hello friends,

i ran into a corner case with jquery autocomplete which i'd like to
seek a solution for:

my system is bilingual (en-he) gnome debian linux, with firefox 3.0.3.

with focus on an autocomplete field, i'm switching the keymap to
hebrew, using alt-shift. logging the event keyCode to the firebug
console, i get one 18 value, followed sometimes by a 0 additional

the next character i'm typing into the field is being shown, but does
not trigger a keycode event, hence the autocompletion doesn't react.
this doesn't happen when i switch the language to english, probably
because ascii characters have non-zero keyCodes.

but the following character i'm typing acts ok. no, this is not
because minChars.

i assume that the alt-shift is leaving the event manager in an
ambiguous state, which invalidates an unicode char, but is being later
cleaned by typing another char, or bksp/del.

could you help?

best regards,

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