My current employer has released another jQuery plug-in: the Linkselect
jQuery Plug-in. This plug-in converts a normal <select /> element into a
component that can be highly stylized via CSS. While there are a number of
similar plug-ins already, there are a several of key differences which we
think make this unique:

* Drop down menus are intelligently positioned to stay in the viewport
* Specifically designed to work in a limited amount of real estate
* Specifically designed to work well with elements aligned on the right edge
of the viewport
* Full keyboard support (emulates IE6's <select /> element)
* Feature rich API (for updating value, replacing options, disabling
elements, etc)
* Many callback features to control behavior (on change, on init, on format,
* Supports tabindex

I blogged about this on Friday and also posted a little video demo:

You can download the plug-in from:

Here's an example page:


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