I've just released version 1.0 of my Context Menu plugin:
( plugin home: http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/lib/contextmenu/ )

Here is the description from the plugin page:

This plugin enables you to display a custom context menu on right
click in browsers that support it. This is commonly used in web
applications that are simulating desktop behavior or wish to add
advanced functionality for their users.

There are other context menu plugins - so why did I write one? This
one is extremely configurable, customizable, and extensible. If any
part of the default behavior is not exactly what you need, it is very
simple to override the default functionality without changing the
plugin code. Several themes are included so you can display the
context menus in a style that you pick. Writing your own themes is
very simple. Understanding and customizing the CSS is straight-forward
and documented.

There are many examples showing off lots of the functionality here.
The best way to see what this plugin can do is to try it out!

I hope it is useful to some of you. Feedback is of course appreciated.

Matt Kruse

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