I am attempting to paginate a form, and validate for each page (page
navigation via accordion or simply .show()/.hide()). However, the only
sample I've seen of this appears to be the Help me Buy and Sell a
House demo at http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/multipart/.
This sample requires that a "pageRequired" method be added as follows:

        $.validator.addMethod("pageRequired", function(value, element) {
                var $element = $(element)
                function match(index) {
                        return current == index && $(element).parents("#sf" + 
(index +
                if (match(0) || match(1) || match(2)) {
                        return !this.optional(element);
                return "dependency-mismatch";
        }, $.validator.messages.required)

        var v = $("#cmaForm").validate({
                errorClass: "warning",
                onkeyup: false,
                onblur: false,
                submitHandler: function() {
                        alert("Submitted, thanks!");

I would much prefer to take my existing setup with custom validation
messages for each field, as well as the ability to use per field
specific validation (i.e. email, maxLength, custom addMethods, etc.),
as in the following:

            // Validation
            var container = $("#myForm div.validationSuggestion");

                errorContainer: container,
                errorLabelContainer: $("ul",container),
                rules: {
                     someField: { required: true },
                     someOtherField: {required: true, maxLength:20 }
//many other fields.
                messages: {
                     someField: 'Error message for someField.',
                     someOtherField: 'Another specific error message.'
                  // many other fields.
                highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
                 $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id +
                 $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id +
                unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
                 $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id +
                 $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id +
                wrapper: 'li'

I cannot have multiple forms (I only want to submit on the last page).
Am I missing something obvious?

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