I wouldn't put Flash as the single cause for this...

I have a table of ~ 30 rows that i tried to wire in a hover event
which colored/de-colored the row the user was over so it was obvious
what row they were one....   moving the mouse in and out very quickly
made the "out" event not fire resulting in multiple rows being
highlighted (technically is was changing/removing a background-color)

This was on our company intranet site, i'll rip out some HTML and post
up a sample if that helps diagnose....  first thing i will do is rip
out the ".hover" wiring and use "mouseenter" and "mouseleave" to see
if that fixes the issue

On Oct 20, 7:52 pm, "Karl Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, you're working with Flash... hmmm that's probably the reason.
> Getting events from "object" or "embed" nodes can be... tricky, in my
> very limited experience.
> My suggestion is that you drop the SIFR menu items and use background
> images. Either that or you'll have to somehow tap into the "hover"
> event inside the SIFR Flash object.
> Sorry I can't really help more.
> Karl
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is not working correctly with me is when I hover the dropdown
> > menu i change the color of the sifr text so it remains black:
> >http://www.mech7.net/tmp/sifr/
> > In script.js in line 26:
> >        ,onRollOut: function(cb) {
> >                var currentMenuItem = 
> > cb.getFlashElement().parentNode.parentNode;
> >                 $(currentMenuItem).hover(
> >              function () {
> >                        cb.changeCSS(
> >                                'a{color:#000000; text-align:center; 
> > text-decoration:none;}'
> >                        );
> >              },
> >              function () {
> >                        cb.changeCSS(
> >                                'a{color:#eeeeee; text-align:center; 
> > text-decoration:none;}'
> >                        );
> >              }
> >            );
> >        }
> > If you move the mouse slow it works correct, but hover the main items
> > fast and they stay black but not change back anymore.
> > On Oct 15, 2:54 pm, "Karl Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Right. That's what I'd expect.
> >> The mouseout (and mouseover) events "bubble" up through child DOM
> >> nodes, and often fire at odd times, which is why it you should use the
> >> "mouseenter" and "mouseleave" events. The enter and leave events are
> >> specially built to not bubble (at least not unexpectedly).
> >> I do see what you mean by the mouseleave firing more than once in some
> >> cases. No idea why.
> >> Do you have a particular page that isn't working?
> >> Karl Rudd
> >> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 6:00 PM,Mech7<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Ok when I go over the example one fast stroke in Firefox 3 then I get
> >> > 4 and 6 for the outer.. in the 1st example. Now try to do a circlular
> >> > movement in the orange box in the 1st example... stay inside the
> >> > orange, over keeps firing, do a movement from left to right and it
> >> > doesn't
> >> > On the 2nd example, try to go really fast with the mouse over the
> >> > entire area, sometimes it will fire once and sometimes 3 times.
> >> > On Oct 15, 11:39 am, "Karl Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> It seems to work as I expect it too on the example page.
> >> >> Can you provide a working example and explain what you expect to happen?
> >> >> Karl Rudd
> >> >> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:02 PM,Mech7<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> >http://docs.jquery.com/Events/mouseout
> >> >> > Even in the example it does not work correct.. for example make some
> >> >> > circles with the mouse on mouseout.. it will keep adding numbers.
> >> >> > Also with mousenter, move it fast and the numbers will go up with big
> >> >> > amounts. :( How to fix this, i can't use mouseout cause it will fire
> >> >> > also with the child elements.

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