I obviously don't know your scale, specifically, but the site I've put
together I don't consider to be all that deep, however, I see some
apparent slowness with the AJAX actions having to wait for responses
from my server scripts as well as short animations that seem to stack
on each other waiting for things to happen in the order they're

If you'd like a better view into the timing of things, make sure you
watch the page's performance in the Firebug extension (http://
getfirebug.com/) with the YSlow add-on (http://developer.yahoo.com/
yslow/), as well.

Chrome has a similarly handy time charting mechanism, but I don't have
it handy on my machine to see what it's called.

You might also want to debug with BlackBird (http://
www.gscottolson.com/blackbirdjs/) as it makes it mindlessly easy to do
time-profiling on the various components, to help you zero in on the
slowness, some more.


On Oct 21, 11:49 am, ricardobeat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How many event handlers do you have registered? IE starts to slow down
> at some point.
> It seems that the obvious performance improvements have been taken
> care of (id selectors, tag names for class selectors), anything else
> would be implementation specific. Are you using livequery?
> On Oct 21, 7:48 am, mrmoosehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I have a web app that is hosted within a .hta wrapper (for some
> > security uses including hosting an ActiveX control) therefore uses ie
> > as its engine.
> > The app rarely, if ever leaves the containing page and all interaction
> > with the server is done using ajax and loading information into
> > various container 'controls' - hidden at times but left in the DOM for
> > easy re-use, rather than reloading every time they want to view.
> > I am finding that the speed of the interface is suffering badly as
> > more stuff is loaded into the DOM.
> > Most selectors are ID based ones where possible, therefore should be
> > as efficient as possible. I cache jQuery objects where possible to
> > avoid re-searching
> > What I am finding is that it can take almost 2 seconds for an event to
> > even be actioned by the browser - e.g a simple onclick on an element
> > in a dynamically loaded chunk of HTML markup can take this time to
> > even start actioning a $.get request.
> > Anyone any thoughts as to why? Apart from "it's IE" - I get similar
> > delays on FF and Chrome, but nowhere near the same magnitude.
> > I am trying to keep the DOM as clean as possible, but it's hard with
> > such a rich app.
> > Any tips and tricks for efficiency in large DOM pages with jQuery?
> > TIA.

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