Yep. you're right. It make sense.
A nice fadeout effect on the first time just show where is the menu
and then the normal things.

Thx for your help.
I appreciate a lot.

Regards, Dom

On Oct 22, 7:08 am, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> fadeOut() is a core jQuery method, not aSuperfishoption. Also,Superfishdoes 
> not support animations for closing the submenus, as
> I've never been able to get that working in a completely non-buggy way
> - likely due to my own incompetence.
> Part of the reason I haven't persevered to get that option working is
> because I personally like the responsiveness of the sudden closing of
> the submenus, whereas the opening animation serves a good purpose as
> it draws the eye to an important event.
> If you search this group you will find other people's efforts to add
> closing animations, some look to me like they would run into the bugs
> that I did during my experimentation, while others look more
> promising, although I haven't tested them.
> Joel Birch.

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