Hi Elke,

The dropShadow plugin wasn't used for this. It was accomplished with images and css. If you download Firefox 3 and install the excellent firebug extension (http://www.getfirebug.com) it allows you to inspect the HTML page and see what CSS styles were applied to what elements. Happy browsing!


On Oct 22, 2008, at 10:46 AM, plumwd wrote:


I am just curious if the dropShadow plugin was used to create the
shadows on the nav bar which appears on the jQuery main page at
http://www.jquery.com.  The nav bar I'm referring to is the one with
the rounded corners and has the links for Downloads, Discussion,
Documentaton, Tutorials, and the Bug Tracker.

I love that effect and would like to implement something similar in a
design I'm creating.



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