Hi, thanks for the link. I actually found a script which provided a
smooth scrolling action to give the intended impression. However as
inexperienced as I failed to integrate it with another piece of code
that controls a JQuery button. The following page has the page
scrolling JavaScript and the JQuery button together, as you can see
the "Description" link will scroll to the bottom of the page but go
strait back to the top, this is only a test link I actually want the
green button to be the link but I'm not sure how to do that bit, I
also need to stop the page from returning to the top, which I am not
sure why it does?

website: http://lovelago.googlepages.com/test8.html

Thanks for going to the extra trouble for me.

On Oct 22, 11:23 pm, MorningZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heck with it.... took the few minutes and found the post, here it is
> http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/load-content-while-scrolling-with-jq...
> On Oct 22, 4:46 pm, caturn88 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been to websites in the past which I remember had no scroll
> > bars, relying on buttons to navigate the site. I got the impression
> > the whole site was a massive page, so only one section could be viewed
> > at a time. The really nice thing was that going to a new page would
> > slide there, instead of refreshing and blinking the whole browser
> > window as with HTML.
> > Can jquery do this?

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