
what about using:



On 23 Okt., 14:00, diego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,  I'm building a gallery, and so far it works in every browser
> except Internet Explorer,
> The problem is that IE (burns to hell) doesn't read these variables
> var height = $('#'+litebox+'>img.lite').attr('height');
> var width = $('#'+litebox+'>img.lite').attr('width');
> the alert (alert(litebox+'-'+height + '-'+width );) returns  img1-0-0
> and i really don't know why....
> I tried to change the attributes height and width, in  title and alt,
> giving the dimensions to the image in that way , and it works, but I
> cannot use title and alt to assign dimensions.
> I just want to understand why it does not work..
> Below a part of the js code:
>                         $('.img_in li a ').click(function () {
> $('.bg_thumbs').show().css({'opacity':'0','z-
> index':'999'}).fadeTo(200,0.4)
>                                         $('.thumbs_big ').css({
>                                         'background-color':'#000',
> 'background-image':'url(css3/ajax-loader.gif)',
>                                         'background-repeat':'no-repeat',
>                                         'background-position':'center'})
>                                         var litebox = $(this).attr('rel');
>                                         var height = $('#'+litebox
> +'>img.lite').attr('height');
>                                         var width = $('#'+litebox
> +'>img.lite').attr('width');
> $('#'+litebox).show().css('opacity',0).animate({
>                                         borderWidth : '4px',
>                                         top :'50%',
>                                         height : (height ) + 'px' ,
>                                         width : (width ) + 'px' ,
>                                         marginLeft : '-' +((width )/2) +'px',
>                                         marginTop : '-' +((height )/2) +'px',
>                                         opacity : 1
>                                         },600)
>                                         alert(litebox+'-'+height + '-'+width 
> );
>                                         $('#'+litebox).queue(function(){
>                                         $('.thumbs_big 
> img').css({'opacity':'0' ,'display' :
> 'block'}).fadeTo(300,1)
>                                         $('.thumbs_big 
> ').css('background','#000')
>                                         $('#'+litebox).dequeue()
>                                         });
>                         return false;
>                 });
> and here a part of html code:
> <li id="img_1"  title="thumb_1">
> <a href="#" rel="img1"><img src="images/diegovalobra.jpg" alt="prova"
> width="200" height="139" id="thumb_1"/></a>
> </li>
> <span class="thumbs_big"  id="img1">
> <img src="images/diegovalobra_b.jpg" alt="prova" width="900"
> height="585" class="lite"/>
> <span class="thumbs_close" title="chiudi"><img src="css3/close.png"
> alt="prova" width="30" height="30" /></span>
> </span>
> I've tested the code in firefox, opera, google chrome, safari(pc) and
> works fine...
> IE sucks
> every kind of help is appreciated, thanks to all :)
> Diego

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