Hey guys,

I'm working with the "jQuery Form Plugin" and I'm having some trouble
with it.
In my HTML I have a button, which, when clicked, inserts a form via
jQuery. To then register the form's submit event, I use the
"livequery" plugin in my "(document).ready" function:

(document).ready(function($) {
  var options = {
        target:         '#editable_content',   // target element(s) to
be updated with server response
        success:       function(responseText, statusText)
{ alert(responseText); },  // post-submit callback
  $('.edit_contact').livequery('submit', function() {
        return false;

The form submits as it should, using an AJAX call. When I add a
beforeSubmit callback function to the options array, that gets called
as well, as it should. Only the success callback (the alert) isn't
called and I don't know why.

Can anyone help???



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