Hey folks,

I don't like to waste a list's time with a noob question, but I have
come to my wits end on this.

I am trying to use blockUI on a series of  file upload fields on a

It works fine, but I just can't get the custom message to work.  All
the demos use a button

I have tried a number of variations including copying code straight
from the demos.  This should at least turn the overlay blue, but it
isn't - http//www/DearFamilyandFriends.com/tes.php

<script src="includes/jquery-1.2.6.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></
<script src="includes/jquery.blockUI.js" type="text/javascript"></
<script src="includes/jquery.MultiFile.js" type="text/javascript"></

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        jQuery('#test').click(function() {
                jQuery.blockUI({ overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#00f' } });

                setTimeout(jQuery.unblockUI, 2000);


<form action="" method="post" name ="testform">
        <input id="test" name="test" type="file" class="multi" accept="gif|

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

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