So I'm grabbing some content from an xml file. Actually, to be
specific, an article, the layout is essentially:
       <title>This title is rad.</title>
       And this is some awesome article text.

Only thing is, I want the article text to be xhtml-enabled. so there's
<b>'s and <br/>'s and such in there, and we're looking at something
more like

       <title>This title is rad.</title>
       And this is some <b>awesome</b> article text.<br/>
       It's HTML formatted though, <i>that could pose a problem</i>.

I want to grab ALL of the text content inside of the <text> node, and
just carte blanche throw it in the page.

So.. how can I do that? .text() strips out all the html
entities,  .html() works what I can best describe as 'intermittently',
and is unsupported for xml documents (only supported for html
docs).... what can i use to just tell js/jquery to "find everything
between <text> and </text>, and stick it in the DOM as xhtml, tags

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