Well I see in Firefox (using Firebug) that if you set <div
class="dialog_box ui-dialog-content" ...> to have height: auto  then
it'll expand as the content in the dialog expands.
You using a Jquery UI dialog plugin?


On Oct 29, 12:51 pm, ryanhavoc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form that I pull into a dialog box. I've set the dialog to
> have an "auto" height as an option and it sets the height when the
> form is pulled in.
> However I'm also using the validate plugin which when displaying an
> error message adds additional height the the form. However the dialog
> doesn't expand with this additional content.
> Does anyone know how I can make it do this?
> You can see a test of the dialog on this link:
> http://common.leeds-art.ac.uk/validate/openday_bookings/test.php
> Leave all the fields blank and you click save changes and you notice
> that some of the form disappears off the bottom of the dialog.
> Thanks
> Ryan

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