I wonder if anybody can give some advice on this. I am not too
experienced with asynchronous code. I am trying to load information
from other pages on our website onto the home page, for a "recent
projects" list. I want to be able to supply a simple list of names
corresponding to web pages and this script is supposed to go to load
the the first H1 tag and first image from each page and package them
in some HTML which I define with the "template" variable. The thing
is, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I think it has to
do with the asynchronous loading.

Let me explain the code before I show it. I have an array holding each
"job" name. There are two .load calls that are performed for each item
in the array: one to load the title and one to load the image. The
titles always load fine but frequently the image fails to load. At the
end of the callback function for each .load I call a checkLoading
function to see if everything is done loading so I can display it. The
really bizarre thing is that when I use Firebug and put a breakpoint
inside the .load callback for the images and then go check the HTML
tab the first time it breaks, it shows me that the last image has
already been loaded but none of the other ones. By my understanding
that should be totally impossible! Is Firebug just lying to me?

First some variables are defined in the head.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var list =
        var title;
        var src;
        var url;
        var tcount = 0;
        var scount = 0;
        var html = new Array(list.length);
        var template = "<div class='preview'><a href='{url}'>";
        template +=    "<img src='{src}' alt='{title}'/>";
        template +=    "<span class='hoverBox'>&nbsp;</span><span

Then this code seems to need to be in the body.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready( function() {
                for(job in list){
                        html[job] = template;
                        url = "portfolio/portfolio_pages/"+list[job]+".html";
                        html[job] = html[job].replace("{url}",url);

                        $("#recent").append("<p class='temp' 

                for(job in list){
                        url = "portfolio/portfolio_pages/"+list[job]+".html";
                        $("#temp"+job).load(url + " #content 

                                title = $("#temp"+tcount+" h1")[0];
                                title = ($(title).html());
                                html[tcount] = 

                        //image source
                        $("#temp"+job).load(url + " .thumbnails 
img:first",null, function()
                                src = $("#temp"+scount+" img")[0];
                                src = ($(src).attr("src"));
                                src = src.replace("..","portfolio");
                                html[scount] = html[scount].replace("{src}",src)


        function checkLoading(){
                if(tcount+scount >= list.length*2-1 ){
                        for(preview in html){

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