
>I am trying to use mcdropdown for an easy search function for a
>shopping cart.
>The category list is long enough to force two columns. When mousing
>from the first column to the second the entire menu will disappear.
>In another case when drilling down below 3 levels if you mouse up to a
>parent selection the entire menu will disappear.
>My test page is at:
>To experience the first issue select search by caliber and use the
>mouse to select from the second column (works if you're really quick).
>To experience the second issue, select search by manufacturer,
>highlight a style, highlight a caliber. Then move the mouse back up to
>the selected style.
>This is an incredible plugin but these issues really limit it's use in
>a lot of cases.

The problem is due to the anchor tags. That's going to cause problems with
the event handlers attached to the <li /> tags. What you need to do is
remove the anchor tags and "select" option to go to the URL:

$("#category").mcDropdown("#nav", {
        select: function (value, display){
                select.location = "/catalog/index.php?cPath=" + value;

This plug-in was really designed to be a form control, not a navigation
control (which is why anchors don't work well.)

If you remove the anchors and just use the code above, things should work


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