I *think* the following will get you started:

$("#veh_odometer").children("tr").each( function () {
  //'this' refers to the current tr
  var address = $("td:eq(2)", this).text();
  console.log("VALUE: " + address);  
  // note: console.log works in Firefox.  
  // Substitue an alert if desired

  // . . . Other processing here . . .

Two points here though:

- The $("#veh_odometer").children("tr") bit can be done in a few different 
ways.  But this should work (unless the the tbody element is needed too...).  
For instance you can say $("#veh_odometer > tbody > tr").each() for 
effectively the same results.... experiement for the method that works best 
for you.

- the var address line.  We are using a "context" reference here - we are 
saying give me the third TD in the context of the current row (this).  Again, 
more than one way to do this...  $(this).children("td:eq(2)") would do the 
same ( I think ).

Anyways, hope that helps.


On Thursday 30 October 2008 23:29:52 GrootBaas wrote:
> Hi all,
> Any help would really be much appreciated.
> I have a table, how can I read the cell values of the table ...
> Currently I have ...
> function test () {
>         var address;
>         var i;
>         for (i=1;
> i<document.getElementById('veh_odometer').rows.length; i++)
>         {
>             address =
> document.getElementById('veh_odometer').rows[i].cells[2].data;
>             alert('VALUE: '+address)
>         }
>        }
> I do loop through the table, but my variable address is undefined.
> Any ideas?

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