I'm trying to grasp the basics of scrolling to a particular row in a

Let's say you've got a TABLE, with a TBODY that has a fixed height and
overflow: scroll.

It appears I ought to be able to use core functions like offset() and
scrollTop() to work out where a row is and scroll the TBODY to that
position, but lots of trial and error has left me lost on why these
things don't seem to work as I expect.

The particular case I am looking at involves the user using arrow keys
to navigate up and down.  Its easy enough to use .next() to highlight
the next row, but if a user keeps doing it, and the next row is below
the viewable scroll region, I need to be able to slide up the display
to show the highlighted row.

This is an educational venture, not a practical one, I'd like to
understand it myself, not find and use a plugin that does it already.

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