The fact that Jorn's implementation got "pushed back to 1.7" doesn't
mean one single bit that it isn't a well designed and easy to use

With that said, "best" depends on a lot of things and you shouldn't be
basing your decision on what some random person on the internet tells
you is the "best".....

There's many options out there, and which one you choose should be
based on
- How the code makes sense to you
- Is there help available if you run into issues
- What your server side code is

On Nov 4, 3:55 am, "Stefan Sturm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> because the UI AutoComplete is pushed back to 1.7, I'm looking for a
> good AutoComplete PlugIn.
> Which is the best today?
> Thanks for your help,
> Stefan Sturm

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