Hi Bob,

Do you have a page I can look at to see what's going on there?



Karl Swedberg

On Nov 3, 2008, at 12:27 PM, bgibilaro wrote:


I am new to clueTip and I am having a rather peculiar problem.

I have an asp.net webform with 2 test clueTip links on it.

One is just a standard anchor tag with the usual class="jt" (I am
using the jTip Theme), rel=".." and title=".." attributes.

The other is actually the same exact link, however, it is stored as a
template column in the GridView control.

When I run the app, the link outside of the GridView displays
perfectly, including being sticky and displaying the red "x" icon
which is used to actually close the clueTip.

However, the link withing the GridView (which simply renders as a
standard HTML table) ignores the theme, basically. The clueTip is not
sticky. It simply disappears immediately after I mouseout of the link
and the red "x" is not displaying either.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions on how to

I have already attempted to apply the settings globally using the
cluetip.setup method and setting the insertionType = "appendTo" and
the insertionElement = "body". However, this does not appear to have
made a difference.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Bob Gibilaro

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