On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:48 PM, Augusto TMW wrote:
Hi, I'm trying do return a JSON with a $.ajax() method. here is my entire function: function carregaMes(d){ if(!(_reunioes["reg"+d.month+d.year])){ $.ajax({ url: "reunioes.jsp", data: "mes="+d.month+"&ano="+d.year, async: false, dataType: "json", success: function(a){ _reunioes["reg"+d.month+d.year] = a; } }); return _reunioes["reg"+d.month+d.year]; } else { return _reunioes["reg"+d.month+d.year]; } } Where _reunioes is an array in window object. In FF its ok, but in IE its return "undefined". I tried to call a normal ajax and use the jQuery.httpData() method to covert my xhr into a JSON, but my IE tell me that in line where jQuery tries to convert ( data = eval("("+data+")"); ) has an error "Indentifier, sequency or number expected".
I'd bet the input is not valid JSON. Check for extra commas at the end of your JSON array definition.
Best. -- Choan