This is not something javascript/jquery can solve.  From a web
developer standpoint, you really only have one option and that is to
create server-side code (ASP, PHP, etc.) that will force a file
download box.

The default action for handling .mp3 downloads is determined by the
user's browser and you cannot change that from your end.  But you can
create specific server-side headers that will instruct the browser to
download the file as an 'attachment' instead of trying to simply open
the document.

The specific headers you need are:
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="01-01-08-PM.mp3"

On Nov 5, 8:11 am, Genu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, thanks for the reply. I tried the above function, and now the
> link just doesn't do anything when I click on it. I don't understand
> where you got '.dialogBox' from, however.

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