I've spent a good bit of time trying to figure this out, so I figure
now it's time to go to the forum. I've trying to make "lifeimage"
clickable so I can do other stuff with it, but I can't even seem to
get the click event to function. Code is below.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://
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      $(document).ready(function() {
           // JQUERY stuff goes here
           $('#lifeimage').click(function() {

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                                        <p> He walked alone on the
sandy beach,<br />
                                          and stared off into the
distance.<br />
                                          The waves lapping at his
feet,<br />
                                          reminding him of someone
lost,<br />
                                          of a child taken in by the
surrounding water.<br />
                                          <br />
                                          He raised her for eleven
years,<br />
                                          and loved her as his only
daughter.<br />
                                          As a child she cried
screamed,<br />
                                          and cried fearful tears,<br /
                                          at the sight of the cold
dark water.<br />
                                          <br />
                                          He told her,<br />
                                          stories he learned as a
child,<br />
                                          of sunsets and hidden
treasures,<br />
                                          and the surrounding beauty
of the water.<br />
                                          <br />
                                          And as she grew older,<br />
                                          he remembered them standing
together,<br />
                                          watching the storm hit the
rocks below,<br />
                                          and the ocean flew up and
came crashing over
                                          them,<br />
                                          and she smiled at him under
the stormy waters.<br />
                                          <br />
                                          She grew so fond,<br />
                                          of the beach and the
surrounding water.<br />
                                          She left him alone one
night,<br />
                                          and swam out to see how far
it could reach.<br />
                                          She died in the cool black
darkness,<br />
                                          of the vast surrounding
water.<br />
                                          <br />
                                          And he cries,<br />
                                          whenever he walks along the
beach.<br />
                                          Still he does it every
night,<br />
                                          just to remind him of
her,<br />
                                          of a child taken in by the
surrounding water.</p>
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