> There is a problem with pc memmory when the plugin is working ( Tested
> in a few pcs). At Least you need a 2 core duo for a not problem
> experiencie, but try in a pentium  4 with 1gb of ram... and you will
> Khnow.
> Open the task administrator and test de memmory.

It's not clear to me whether you think you're seeing a memory leak or
too much CPU usage.  Can you clarify?

I'm not seeing a leak.  I've had the main doc page (http://malsup.com/
jquery/cycle/) open for 15 minutes in IE7 and my memory use is not
increasing, even with 6 slideshows running.

CPU usage will certainly spike when the transitions are active -
there's no way to avoid that; that's just the nature of doing
animation in JavaScript.  But you can mitigate the problem by using
faster transitions (lower 'speed' value) and longer timeouts (larger
'timeout' value).


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