
I am trying to figure out how I can split a simple unordered list in
two unordered lists.

                <ul class="list_splitted">
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>
                        <li>list item 01</li>

I can create a div around it and two columns inside it with this code:

jQuery(function($) {
                $('.list_splitted').wrap('<div class="columns"><div 
div><div class="column"></div></div>')

But now I have to grab half of the list items and place one half
inside one column and the rest inside another column. I tried to get
the length of it with:

$('.list_splitted li').length;

But then? I really don't know. I this something that could be easily
fixed with jQuery. I tried to find some sample code in the internet
but didn't find it.

I really hope someone could help... because that would make it a lot
easier for backend coding.

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