Take a look at Ariel Flesler's scrollTo plug-in:


On Nov 11, 12:20 pm, PaulC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm stuck using next() and prev()
> The menu on right hand side of this site:http://sugarsnap.previewurl.net
> needs to scroll through each item as the user clicks the arrows. This
> is working but only because I've put fixed heights to scroll -
> which is buggy cross browser., hence wanting to use next() and prev()
> the code that works:
> $('a.down').click(function(event) {
>       $('#folioMenu').scrollTo('+=90px', 800);
>       return false;
> });
> I tried this , and several variations, wiht no luck:
> $('#folioMenu').scrollTo($(".menuItem").next(), 800);
> any thoughts as to how this could be achieved?

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