Hi all,

I have an array of variables that is built from the following:

data['freshbox'] = encodeURIComponent(freshBoxType);
data['numitems'] = encodeURIComponent(items.length);
data['customerid'] = customerid;

for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {
  data['item['+i+'][addonid]'] = encodeURIComponent($
  data['item['+i+'][itemid]'] = encodeURIComponent(items[i][2]);
  data['item['+i+'][qty]'] = encodeURIComponent($("#qtyfield"+items[i]
  data['item['+i+'][freq]'] = encodeURIComponent($("#itemfreq"+items[i]

And what I would like to do is build a set of input variables looking
like below:

data['freshbox'] = 1;
data['numitems'] = 1;
data['customerid'] = 1;

data['item[0][addonid]'] = 456;
data['item[0][itemid]'] = 12;
data['item[0][qty]'] = 1;
data['item[0][freq]'] = 1;

and throw these directly into $.post, such as:

$.post(  url, data  );

But for some reason the posted variables never make it. Can anyone

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