Hi, I have the following JSON data:
{"field1":null,"field2":null,"field3":null,"field4":null,"employees": ["Joe","David"]} I'm using JQuery autocomplete and just need the values from employees (Joe and David). Right now I have this in my JavaScript" $("#myinput").autocomplete("myaction.action", { delay: 10, minChars: 3, matchSubset: 1, matchContains: 1, cacheLength: 1, autoFill: true, formatItem: formatItem }); function formatItem(row) { return row; }; but what this does is return the entire row (obviously), i.e.: "{"field1":null,"field2":null,"field3":null,"field4":null,"employees": ["Joe","David"]}" What do I need to do so that I just get the values from employees? I've also tried playing around with the parse parameter but can't get anywhere with it at all. Cheers! nic