Hi Adam,

Take a look at the .wrapAll() method. that should get you closer. You'll need to select all of the elements first, though. $('h1 + p + p') only selects that final p. If you want to wrap the div around all h1 and p elements, you could try $('h1,p').wrapAll('<div class="fade"></div>');


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Adam wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to select 3 elements that occur together
and wrap all 3 together (not individually) in a DIV tag. This is what
I have:



and I want to turn that into:

<div class='fade'>


I have tried using the ("h1 + p + p") with .wrap, but this seems to
detect the trio, but only wrap the last p. How can I make it wrap the
trio together?

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