I couldn't get your link to load, but it sounds like you may need to
do something similar to the following.  The image you're mapping would
need to be either relative or absolutely positioned.

Note that #map_area is the <map> area you're mousing over.
#bg_image is the image the map is on.

Not sure if this would work - you may need to get the top/left/width/
height of the map area some other way.

$("#map_area").mouseover(function()  {
   var bg_image = $("#bg_image");
   var hover_img = document.createElement("img");
      position: 'absolute',
      top      : $(this).css('top'),
      left      : $(this).css('left'),
      zIndex : (bg_image.css("z-index") + 1)
      mouseout(function()  {


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