And a quick reply to myself.

It's also quicker (though we are talking like 1 ms quicker), to
refactor the code to never create the $j(<li>) at all, and instead to
directly inject the HTML into the page, and then manipulate after the
fact, instead of before hand.

Eli -- Still curious to know why the original is so slow, as well as
why this case exists.

On Nov 13, 11:44 am, Eli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I had some code that was performing very badly.  Specifically
> tracked it down to the following:
> var li = $j('\
>     <li>\
>         <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="ecb-' + shortKey
> + '" />\
>         <label for="ecb-' + shortKey + '">\
>             <span class="left">' + optionKey + '</span>\
>             <span class="right" id="epr-' + shortKey + '"></span>\
>         </label>\
>     </li>\
>     ');
> I was doing that, in order to create a new LI element with the
> appropriate 'stuff' filled in.   That I then did some other
> manipulations to, and returned from a function, for another part of
> the code to figure out where exactly to 'insert' it into the document.
> I discovered through Firebug, that this was taking over 500ms to
> execute!!
> I changed it to the following code, and it now takes 13ms to execute
> instead:
> var li = $j('<li/>');
> li.html('\
>         <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="ecb-' + shortKey
> + '" />\
>         <label for="ecb-' + shortKey + '">\
>             <span class="left">' + optionKey + '</span>\
>             <span class="right" id="epr-' + shortKey + '"></span>\
>         </label>\
>         ');
> Much better.
> But the question is, WHY does the one-line form of this make a
> difference?  In fact, according to the documentation, this is exactly
> what the actual jQuery code itself is supposed to be doing in the
> first case:
> "Internally, an element is created and its innerHTML property set to
> the given markup. It is therefore both quite flexible and limited."
> But, obviously, something isn't working 'quite right'.
> Thoughts?
> Eli

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