Hi Benoit,

So, you want to do the same thing you're already doing, but using an xml file instead of the title attribute for the content?

If I'm understanding you correctly, you can set dataType to 'xml' in the ajaxSettings option and then filter the result of the ajax call and return what you want in the ajaxProcess option. Something like this:

        ajaxSettings: {
          dataType: 'xml'
        ajaxProcess: function(data) {
           // $(data).find ...
         // return something;

Hope that helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 14, 2008, at 3:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

I start with ajax (jquery) and xml. I need to use cluetip in a table
like this example:

As against that I do must be in Cluetip information from several
different fields.
Would you like a piece of code explaining the procedure to do with
Do you have examples to this need ?

Thank you in advance

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