Aparajita wrote on 11/14/2008 5:36 AM: 
> Problem is when someone fills all fields and proceeds to the next page
> and want to edit something by pressing the back button, Firefox does
> not allow to resubmit the page. Its something like submit button has
> been disabled.

I experienced that problem too, where one day a simple form (no JS) that I've 
used for years suddenly couldn't be resubmitted if I hit the back button unless 
I reloaded the page.  I never did figure out the problem, but as mysteriously 
as it started, it recently stopped and it now works again.

I just did a quick search, and this may actually be the cause of my issue:


A recent upgrade of Firefox disabled the RealPlayer add-on (not compatible), so 
perhaps that was the fix...

- Bil

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