I'm trying to attach a function to all selects that have the custom
goto-attribute. It works for the first one, but the behavior isn't
being attached to the second <select>. Any ideas how to fix it?

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('select[goto]').each(function () {
    $(this).change(function () {
      var selected = $("select option:selected").val();
      if (selected != 'ignore') {
        document.location = $(this).attr("goto") + '/' + selected;

// with html:

<select goto="www.cnn.com">
  <option value="ignore">Choose...
  <option value="finance">CNN Finance
  <option value="sports">CNN Sports

<select goto="www.bbc.co.uk">
  <option value="ignore">Choose...
  <option value="finance">BBC Finance
  <option value="sports">BBC Sports

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