Hey guys/gals,

For some reason, I only have the option to "Reply to author" on this


So I am starting a new thread here...

For me, the technique Klaus proposed worked when I added

.tabs .ui-tabs-hide { display: none; }
/* Fixes google maps: */
.tabs #story-map-tab.ui-tabs-hide {
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        top: -999em;
        left: -999em;

For my particular setup, I only wanted the Maps tab to use
"position:absolute"... All other tabs were fine using "display:none"

Anyway, the key, for me, is the "display: block".

...and the CSS must come before any of your JS for this to work.

Before I used display block, I was getting a lot of gray boxes on my
tabbed map object.


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