I'm looking to achieve an effect similar to that of the Kwicks plugin
<http://www.jeremymartin.name/projects.php?project=kwicks> . However, I
don't want to use this for navigation, I want to use it for the main body of
my site. Currently it looks like the Kwicks plugin can only work on list
items, but I'd like something which can be applied to div tags. One
<http://www.jeremymartin.name/examples/kwicks.php?example=7>  of the
examples shows the use of divs inside the list item tags, but I don't think
that's valid xHTML so I'd rather not use that method.


Does anyone know if there's a similar plugin that can be applied to div
tags, or does anyone have plain code they might share which can do this?
I've already got something that "works" but doesn't look all that good:




The problems I'm having with my version are:


1)      Far right div gets pushed to bottom as animation plays out

2)      Animation is a little jerky as the various elements position

3)      Occasionally, the cursor will position itself just right and the
animation will queue up and then go on for like an extra 5 seconds after the
mouse is moved off of it.



Thanks peeps

Andy Matthews

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