In a simple world the function i'm trying to perform is:

    $("button").click(function () {

But I'm working in Wordpress.  What I'm trying to do is for each entry be
able to toggle the main content of the entry to either a hidden of visible
state.  When a person clicks a button which is placed within the post next
to the title text, the visible state of the main content is toggled.  Using
the simple example I can easily toggle static content, but I believe my
issue to lie in the fact that the post ID is derived from PHP.  How do I
solve the issue?

I've tried:

    $("#post-\\<\\?php the\\_ID\\(\\)\\; \\?\\>>button").click(function () {
      $('#post-\\<\\?php the\\_ID\\(\\)\\;
*Which i thought to use after checking the jQuery FAQ
and also tried:
    $("post-<?php the_ID(); ?>>button").click(function () {
      $('#post-<?php the_ID(); ?>>.content').slideToggle("slow");

Neither worked.  Please help me out!
Thanks in advance

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