For anyone who finds this in the future, it's called the "tabs"
plugin. Can be found here:

One question on this for anyone who may know, does the tabs plugin
only work for links in a list? So, you need to target them via the UL.
All my links are in a Table/TD, was wondering if anyone has made it
work this way?

Thanks for any help.

2008/11/19 Paul Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to find a reference here and having troubles. Would really
> appreciate if someone can point me to a tutorial.
> Basically, I have a list of anchored links that point to content with
> matching ID's on the same page. With Javascript on, I want to hide all
> except the first when you come into the page, then when people click
> on a link it would show the matching ID.
> I guess the JQuery would grab the anchored links and put them in an
> array when the page loads? Maybe it doesn't need to be that complex.
> Any help would be great.
> An example of the code:
> <!--anchored links-->
>        <ul id="anchoredLinks">
>                <li><a href="#architects">Architects</a></li>
>                <li><a href="#designers"><strong>Designers</strong></a></li>
>        </ul>
> <!--content to show and hide-->
>        <div id="architects">
>                blah, blah, blah
>        </div>
>        <div id="designers">
>                blah, blah, blah
>        </div>
> Thanks for any help.

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