I was able to use an alert to show the id of what was clicked! But Im
trying to show/hide elements based on what is clicked.

So for example, if you click link 1 (id="1") - all div's with id="1"
will show, but div's with id="2" will be hidden. I can get everything
to show, but not just id="1".

Here is my code, what am I doing wrong?

$(event.target.id)show(); $(event.target.id:not).hide();

Here is the full code:

        //grab values from attributes assigned in xsl
        var qtID = $(this).attr("id");

        // make id to show comment (#23453-3djis-im37vk9-fkifhf7)
        var ccID = '#' + qtID;

        //show only comments of matching ccID that were clicked

Any ideas?

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