Should really do more reading but at the moment I haven't got the time
so I would appreciate any help I can get.


I have a form (with the default submit turned off) that takes user
input and adds each form entry into a table below the form. The user
will then review the list of entries to be uploaded and then clicks an
upload button to upload it to the mysql dbase.

My problem:

The button I am using is an anchor tag, with the attribute onclick. I
want to take all the entries in the table and then create a php query
string so that when the anchor tag is click it will pass this data to
a php file which will do the mysql insert.

<a id="upload" onclick="parent.location='upload.php?item='"

But I cannot seem to access/update the onlick attribute.
I hoped this would work:

$("a").attr({ onclick : "parent.location='upload.php?item=2'" });

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