Hey John,

I downloaded Superfish the other day and have been using it. It seems
like the right kind of tool for the project I'm tackling, and I'm
excited about it!

It's been working like a charm so far, but today, I began to start
evaluating it in IE6. I've ran into two very large issues:

(1) It seems like this CSS on the anchors:

.sf-menu a { float: left; }

Crashes the browser. I couldn't find a work around for it.

(2) When viewing a superfish menu in IE6, the drop downs would never
work. This includes my personal project I'm working on, and your
actual site for Superfish, http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/.

First, the system I'm running is Parallels on OSX10.5, with Windows XP
SP1, IE6 from Multiple IE. I will acknowledge that it could be an
issue with the actual build of the browser in my Parallels, but it is
something important enough to pass along.

So, are these issues specific to my browser build? Did I miss some
sort of extra conditional include or something for IE6? Any help would
be greatly appreciated!

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