I have been on this issue for the past 24hrs and I can't seem to find
the solution. There seems to be a conflict between the jQuery
autocomplete plug-in (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-
plugin-autocomplete/) and google toolbar's autofill function. I'm
testing this in IE 7. What really confuses me is that the result is
inconsistent. Sometimes the results will show and sometime it doesn't.

The problem is that when autofill is enabled, it makes the input field
(with autocomplete) loose focus while I'm entering my triggering key
stroke (minChars was set to 3). This triggers the onBlur event in the
autocomplete plug-in and the result will be hidden.

My JS Code:
var autocompleteUrl = "airport_list.php?q=60&limit=10";
var autocompleteSettingsObj = {
        width: 300,
        scrollHeight: 350,
        formatResult: function(data, i, total) { return (data && data.length
> 1) ? data[2] : ' '; }
//setup autocomplete
$("#myInput").autocomplete(autocompleteUrl, autocompleteSettingsObj);

My HTML Code:
<input type="text" name="formname" id="myInput" value="" size="30"
maxlength="50" class="myclass" autocomplete="off" />

Note: Firefox works fine.

Thanks in advance.

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