HI There,

I'm trying to call a method using the setInterval function that call
has some parameters but I can't get it to work. Can someone give me a
hand with the syntax please.


slideshow_interval = setInterval( 'PageMethod("getNextSlideShowItem",
["elmID", callerID, "CampaignID", hdnCampaignID], onSuccess, onFail)' ,

function PageMethod(fn, paramArray, onSuccess, onFail)

   var pagePath = window.location.pathname;
   var paramList = '';
   if (paramArray.length > 0)
     for (var i=0; i<paramArray.length; i+=2)
       if (paramList.length > 0) paramList += ',';
       paramList += '"' + paramArray[i] + '":"' + paramArray[i+1] +
   paramList = '{' + paramList + '}';

        type: "POST",
      //  url: "WebForm8.aspx/getNextSlideShowItem",
        url: pagePath + "/" + fn,
        data: paramList,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        success: onSuccess,
        fail: onFail

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